Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Daily contest 493 winners list | Vindale Research blog

The winners
See who won our 493rd daily question contest below.

  1. Elizabeth A. -? With the family make it fun?playing cards?dominos?watching movie on the laptop?
  2. Julie S. -? Depends on the weather if its cool I like to sleep if its warmer
    then I want to find someone with power and stay where there is a/c
  3. gary m. -? talk sleep
  4. Melissa T. - sleep
  5. Si Ngan C. - Sleep
  6. Nora C. - Playing games ? board and card games ? with the family. Using kerosene lanterns if necessary.


  8. marian - playing boards games, sharing with family. sleep?..
  9. bhoori d. ? Talk about old times with family.
  10. Gail T. - when i was much younger, i?d play games with my siblings, or watch
    the rain/storm through the windows, or build forts out of blankets, or
    eat chocolate rice pudding.
    now that i?m older, i think that?s perfect time to catch up on reading or sleeping.
  11. Kalona E. ? games, books, and candles.
  12. Elaine P. ? play computer games on my computer with my battery back up
  13. Michelle P. - We use that opportunity for crazy, scary story time.
  14. Nestor M. - Ghost stories by candlelight
  15. Natalie L. -? well the bbq start up no matter day or night rain or sun and then
    the neighbor hood gathers and the games begin or the bonfire starts and
    we sit drink and chill?..then when lights back on we keep doing what
    were doing
  16. Janice P. ? ?NAP? time
  17. Crista B. - Uno with the family
  18. Jose B. - Read a book
  19. roberta o. - Read a book
  20. Eileen Deliz - Board games, reading a book. Before the storm, buy crayons and coloring books and everyone reverts back to childhood.

Claim your prize
If your name appears above, leave your?referral code in a comment below. We?ll credit $0.50 to your account.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Obama, Romney pumped for dash to the finish

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) ? Their debates now history, President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday open a two-week sprint to Election Day powered by adrenaline, a boatload of campaign cash and a determination to reach Nov. 6 with no would-have, should-have regrets in their neck-and-neck fight to the finish.

From here, the candidates will vastly accelerate their travel, ad spending and grass-roots mobilizing in a race that's likely to cost upward of $2 billion by the time it all ends.

All the focus now is on locking down support in the nine states whose electoral votes are still considered up for grabs: Colorado, Iowa, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin and Virginia. No surprise then, that Obama campaigns Tuesday in Florida and Ohio while Romney heads West to Nevada and Colorado.

Asked Tuesday whether the race comes down to Ohio, Virginia and Florida as some observers have suggested, Vice President Joe Biden described the three as "critically important." He predicted victory in Ohio and Florida ? without mentioning Virginia.

"Look, this is going to be close," Biden said in an appearance on NBC's "Today" show. "We always knew at the end of the day this was going to be a close race, no matter who the Republicans nominated."

Neither candidate scored a knockout punch in their third and last debate Monday, as both men reined in the confrontational sniping that had marked their last testy encounter. And though the stated topic this time was foreign policy, both kept circling back to their plans for strengthening the fragile U.S. economy ? Job 1 to American voters.

Closing out their trio of debates, Obama concisely summed up this pivot point in Campaign 2012: "You've now heard three debates, months of campaigning and way too many TV commercials. And now you've got a choice."

The president framed it as a choice between his own record of "real progress" and the "wrong and reckless" ideas of Romney.

Romney countered by sketching "two different paths" offered by the candidates, one of decline under Obama and one of brighter promise from himself.

"I know what it takes to get this country back," he pledged.

With polls showing the race remains incredibly tight, first lady Michelle Obama made a prediction before the candidates left Florida that neither side would dispute: "This election will be closer than the last one ? that's the only guarantee."

Obama made it look easy in 2008. He won 365 electoral votes to 173 for Republican John McCain. And he got 53 percent of the popular vote, to 46 percent for McCain.

With 270 electoral votes needed for victory, Obama at this point appears on track to win 237 while Romney appears to have 191. The other 110 are in the hotly contested battleground states.

The candidates' strategies for getting to 270 are implicit in their itineraries for the next two weeks and in their spending on campaign ads.

Obama and his Democratic allies already have placed $47 million in ad spending across battlegrounds in the campaign's final weeks, while Romney and the independent groups supporting his candidacy have purchased $53 million, significantly upping their buys in Florida, Ohio and Virginia. And both sides are expected to pad their totals.

After Obama and Biden campaign together in Ohio on Tuesday, the president splits off on what his campaign is describing as a two-day "around-the-clock" blitz to six more battleground states. He'll be in constant motion ? making voter calls and sleeping aboard Air Force One as he flies overnight Wednesday from Nevada to Tampa, Fla.

The vice president is midway through a three-day tour of uber-battleground Ohio, and Obama's team contends its best way of ensuring victory is a win there. The campaign says internal polling gives Obama a lead in the Midwestern battleground state, in large part because of the popularity of the president's bailout of the auto industry.

But even if Obama loses Ohio, his campaign sees another pathway to the presidency by nailing New Hampshire, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nevada and Colorado.

Romney and running mate Paul Ryan are picking up the pace of their campaigning as well, and their schedule reflects an overarching strategy to drive up GOP vote totals in areas already friendly to the Republican nominee.

The Denver suburbs. Cincinnati. Reno, Nev. They're places that typically vote Republican, but where McCain fell short of the margins he needed to defeat Obama. To win in all-important Ohio, the GOP nominee must outperform McCain in typically Republican areas.

Romney and Ryan start their two-week dash in Henderson, Nev., then hopscotch to the Denver area for a rally with rocker-rapper Kid Rock and country music's Rodney Atkins at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Then Romney heads back to Nevada, on to Iowa and then east to Ohio for three overnights in a row. By week's end, he's likely to be back in Florida.

The following week brings a significant uptick in Romney's schedule. Aides say he'll touch down in two or three states a day, or hold that many daily events in big states like Florida.

Both candidates are done holding fundraisers ? no doubt a happy thought for the two of them.

But hold on to your wallets: Supporters will still be out there raising money, and there will be plenty of emails asking for cash right up to the finish.

The president began the month with a little less cash available than Romney, but both have impressive sums to blow through in the home stretch: $150 million for Obama and the Democrats, $183 million for Romney and the Republicans.

Immediately after the final debate, Obama pinged his supporters with an email that said simply: "This is in your hands now. Chip in $5 or more, and let's go win."

Republicans are dramatically bumping up ad spending in the biggest battlegrounds: In Florida, their spending this week hit $9.2 million after averaging about $5.8 million over the last four weeks. In Ohio, GOP ad spending jumped to $9.6 million this week from an average of $6.9 million over the last four weeks. Virginia saw a bump up to $7.9 million, compared with about $5.2 million over the last four weeks.

The Obama campaign on Tuesday released a new TV ad touting recent economic gains. "We're not there yet," Obama says in the ad, "but we've made real progress and the last thing we should do is turn back now." The ad will air in New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Colorado.

Out on the road, Romney has been demonstrating more confidence than ever. He's started making more impromptu stops at local establishments near campaign rallies, a departure from his typically buttoned-down schedule through the summer. His crowds are bigger and more energized, too. And some voters who've attended his recent rallies say his performance helps them to see Romney as a plausible president ? not just a candidate.

Obama, for his part, has been projecting a looser, more easygoing demeanor as he campaigns, using humor to undercut Romney.

He riffs about his rival's "Romnesia" ? a lighthearted way to drive home his opponent's shifting policy positions.

Both sides are working furiously to lock down every possible early vote, and the results are evident in the 4.4 million people who've already cast ballots.

Obama will detour to Chicago Thursday to make a statement about voting early by becoming the first president to cast his own early ballot.

The country is likely to easily exceed the early voting totals from 2008, when 30 percent of ballots were cast ahead of Election Day, according to Michael McDonald, a George Mason University professor who tracks early voting closely.

In Ohio, McDonald said, numbers are up across the board ? in rural, suburban and urban areas. As many as 45 percent of Ohio voters may cast early ballots, compared with less than 30 percent four years ago, he said. The numbers in North Carolina seem to be shifting in the Republicans' direction, McDonald says, and those in Iowa "seem to confirm polling showing a slight Obama lead" there.

This year's quartet of debates ? three for the presidential candidates and one for the veeps ? started on a friendly note, with Romney wishing Obama and wife Michelle a happy 20th anniversary, but goodwill quickly deteriorated. Both men were at times argumentative and the back-and-forth often shed more heat than light.

Romney started the debate at a disadvantage with a lack of foreign policy experience. But Ryan said former governors have been very effective world leaders.

"Just look back to Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan," Ryan said on "Today." ''What matters is policy doctrine."

Romney came on like gangbusters in the first debate and left a listless Obama reeling as GOP momentum surged. Biden poured it on for the Democrats in his faceoff with Ryan, rolling out a full complement of smirks, eye-rolls and headshakes. Obama himself rebounded in the fractious town-hall debate. Both Obama and Romney were better behaved in their final faceoff, with the president playing up his commander-in-chief credentials to full effect and Romney playing it safe to avoid making mistakes.

From it all ? more than 65,000 words of debate rhetoric ? there was no signature moment that is likely to be remembered much past Election Day.


Benac reported from Washington. AP writers Nedra Pickler, Julie Pace, Jack Gillum and Beth Fouhy in Washington and Kasie Hunt in Boca Raton, Fla., contributed to this report.


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Germany backs "special" Ireland on bank deal

DUBLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny issued a joint statement on Sunday reaffirming that euro zone leaders would examine ways of improving Ireland's bank rescue, recognizing that it is a "special case".

Kenny has come under intense pressure at home since Merkel said on Friday that euro zone banks could not be retrospectively recapitalized via the bloc's bailout fund, appearing to dash Irish hopes of getting a wide deal on its banking debt.

Ireland, which has been in talks for almost 18 months to ease the burden placed on it by its failed banks, added a second wave to its negotiations in June when EU leaders cleared the way for rescue funds to be pumped into viable banks, something Dublin said could be back-dated for its already recapitalized lenders.

In a joint communiqu? released by the Irish government after Kenny and Merkel discussed the "unique" circumstances behind Ireland's financial crisis, the pair reiterated the pledge made in June that singled out Ireland for assistance.

"Enda Kenny and Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke together this afternoon. They discussed the unique circumstances behind Ireland's banking and sovereign debt crisis, and Ireland's plans for a full return to the markets," the statement said.

"In this regard they reaffirmed the commitment from June 29 to task the Eurogroup to examine the situation of the Irish financial sector with a view to further improving the sustainability of the well performing adjustment program."

"They recognize in this context, that Ireland is a special case, and that the Eurogroup will take that into account."

The statement made no mention of how European banks should be recapitalized but the reference to Ireland as unique will be a boost for Kenny who met heavy criticism in local newspapers on Sunday following Merkel's comments after Friday's EU summit.

The commitment made in June to look at easing the terms of Ireland's bank bailout has helped push Irish bond yields down significantly, allowing Dublin to borrow on long-term debt markets for the first time since signing an EU/IMF bailout in November 2010.

Kenny will travel to Paris on Monday for his first bilateral meeting with French President Francois Hollande since he came to power last May.

(Reporting by Padraic Halpin; editing by Jason Webb)


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A Tour of Astrobotic Technology's lunar rover lab at Carnegie Mellon (video)

A Tour of Astrobotic Technology's lunar rover lab at Carnegie Mellon (video)

Things are buzzing late Monday afternoon at Carnegie Mellon's Planetary Robotics Lab Highbay. Outside, in front of the garage door-like entrance, a trio of men fills up a kiddie pool with a garden hose. Just to their left, an Enterprise rent-a-truck backs up and a handful of students raise two metal ramps up to its rear in order to drive a flashy rover up inside. I ask our guide, Jason Calaiaro, what the vehicle's final destination is. "NASA," he answers, simply. "We have a great relationship with NASA, and they help us test things."

Calaiaro is the CIO of Astrobotic Technology, an offshoot of the school that was founded a few years back, thanks to Google's Lunar X Prize announcement. And while none of the handful of vehicles the former student showcases were made specifically with the government space agency in mind, given the company's history of contractual work, we could well see them receive the NASA stamp of approval in the future. Asked to take us through the project, Calaiaro tells us, quite confidently, that the trio of vehicles behind us are set to "land on the moon in 2015," an ambitious goal set to occur exactly three weeks from last Friday.

Continue reading A Tour of Astrobotic Technology's lunar rover lab at Carnegie Mellon (video)

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Final Presidential Debate 2012, Thread Four, Wrap-Up Part 2 (Little green footballs)

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Wits part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that helps to create antibodies

Wits part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that helps to create antibodies [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Vivienne Rowland
University of the Witwatersrand

Wits researchers part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that enables infected people to make antibodies able to kill a wide range of human immunodeficiency viruses

Wits researchers have played a pivotal role in an AIDS study published today in the journal, Nature Medicine, which describes how a unique change in the outer covering of the virus found in two HIV infected South African women enabled them to make potent antibodies which are able to kill up to 88% of HIV types from around the world.

This ground-breaking discovery provides an important new approach that could be useful in making an AIDS vaccine.

The study, performed by members of the Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) consortium, involves scientists from Wits University, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) in Johannesburg, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Cape Town, who has been studying, over the last five years, how certain HIV-infected people develop very powerful antibody responses.

These antibodies are referred to as broadly neutralising antibodies because they kill a wide range of HIV types from different parts of the world. This CAPRISA team initially discovered that two KwaZulu-Natal women, one of whom participated in the CAPRISA 004 tenofovir gel study, could make these rare antibodies.

Through long-term follow-up laboratory studies on these two women, the team led by Wits researchers and Centre for HIV and STI at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service based scientists Dr Penny Moore and Professor Lynn Morris, discovered that a sugar (known as a glycan) on the surface protein coat of the virus at a specific position (referred to as position 332) forms a site of vulnerability in the virus and enables the body to mount a broadly neutralizing antibody response.

"Understanding this elaborate game of 'cat and mouse' between HIV and the immune response of the infected person has provided valuable insights into how broadly neutralizing antibodies arise," says Moore.

Morris, Head of AIDS Research at the NICD explained: "We were surprised to find that the virus that caused infection in many cases did not have this antibody target on its outer covering. But over time, the virus was pressured by body's immune reaction to cover itself with the sugar that formed a point of vulnerability, and so allowed the development of antibodies that hit that weak spot".

"Broadly neutralising antibodies are considered to be the key to making an AIDS vaccine. This discovery provides new clues on how vaccines could be designed to elicit broadly neutralising antibodies. The world needs an effective AIDS vaccine to overcome the global scourge of AIDS," said Professor Salim Abdool Karim, Director of CAPRISA and President of the Medical Research Council, in his comments on the significance of the finding.

While their existence has been known for a while, highly potent forms of broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV were only identified about 3 years ago. Until now, it was not known how the human body is able to make broadly neutralizing antibodies.

This study discovered one mechanism by which these antibodies may be made. To make this discovery, the research team studied the target of some of these antibodies, a sugar that coats the surface protein of HIV, forming a site of vulnerability. By tracing back the evolution of the virus that elicited these antibodies, this team showed that this particular weak point was absent from the virus that first infected these women.

However, under constant pressure from other less powerful antibodies that develop in all infected people, their HIV was forced to expose this vulnerability over time. This allowed the broadly neutralizing antibodies to develop.

Analysis of a large number of other viruses from throughout the world, performed in collaboration with scientists from the University of North Carolina and Harvard University, suggest that the vulnerability at position 332 may be present at the time of infection in about two thirds of subtype C viruses (the subtype most common in Africa). Hence, if a vaccine is developed to target this glycan only, it may not be able to uniformly neutralize all subtype C viruses; as a result AIDS vaccines may need to attack multiple targets on the virus.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Wits part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that helps to create antibodies [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Vivienne Rowland
University of the Witwatersrand

Wits researchers part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that enables infected people to make antibodies able to kill a wide range of human immunodeficiency viruses

Wits researchers have played a pivotal role in an AIDS study published today in the journal, Nature Medicine, which describes how a unique change in the outer covering of the virus found in two HIV infected South African women enabled them to make potent antibodies which are able to kill up to 88% of HIV types from around the world.

This ground-breaking discovery provides an important new approach that could be useful in making an AIDS vaccine.

The study, performed by members of the Centre for the Aids Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) consortium, involves scientists from Wits University, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) in Johannesburg, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Cape Town, who has been studying, over the last five years, how certain HIV-infected people develop very powerful antibody responses.

These antibodies are referred to as broadly neutralising antibodies because they kill a wide range of HIV types from different parts of the world. This CAPRISA team initially discovered that two KwaZulu-Natal women, one of whom participated in the CAPRISA 004 tenofovir gel study, could make these rare antibodies.

Through long-term follow-up laboratory studies on these two women, the team led by Wits researchers and Centre for HIV and STI at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service based scientists Dr Penny Moore and Professor Lynn Morris, discovered that a sugar (known as a glycan) on the surface protein coat of the virus at a specific position (referred to as position 332) forms a site of vulnerability in the virus and enables the body to mount a broadly neutralizing antibody response.

"Understanding this elaborate game of 'cat and mouse' between HIV and the immune response of the infected person has provided valuable insights into how broadly neutralizing antibodies arise," says Moore.

Morris, Head of AIDS Research at the NICD explained: "We were surprised to find that the virus that caused infection in many cases did not have this antibody target on its outer covering. But over time, the virus was pressured by body's immune reaction to cover itself with the sugar that formed a point of vulnerability, and so allowed the development of antibodies that hit that weak spot".

"Broadly neutralising antibodies are considered to be the key to making an AIDS vaccine. This discovery provides new clues on how vaccines could be designed to elicit broadly neutralising antibodies. The world needs an effective AIDS vaccine to overcome the global scourge of AIDS," said Professor Salim Abdool Karim, Director of CAPRISA and President of the Medical Research Council, in his comments on the significance of the finding.

While their existence has been known for a while, highly potent forms of broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV were only identified about 3 years ago. Until now, it was not known how the human body is able to make broadly neutralizing antibodies.

This study discovered one mechanism by which these antibodies may be made. To make this discovery, the research team studied the target of some of these antibodies, a sugar that coats the surface protein of HIV, forming a site of vulnerability. By tracing back the evolution of the virus that elicited these antibodies, this team showed that this particular weak point was absent from the virus that first infected these women.

However, under constant pressure from other less powerful antibodies that develop in all infected people, their HIV was forced to expose this vulnerability over time. This allowed the broadly neutralizing antibodies to develop.

Analysis of a large number of other viruses from throughout the world, performed in collaboration with scientists from the University of North Carolina and Harvard University, suggest that the vulnerability at position 332 may be present at the time of infection in about two thirds of subtype C viruses (the subtype most common in Africa). Hence, if a vaccine is developed to target this glycan only, it may not be able to uniformly neutralize all subtype C viruses; as a result AIDS vaccines may need to attack multiple targets on the virus.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Water could flow on Mars, model suggests; Scientists look at melting and evaporation of frozen brines

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? University of Arkansas researchers have created a model that might explain how water could produce the flow patterns seen by a spacecraft orbiting Mars.

Research professor Vincent Chevrier and former Doctoral Academy Fellow Edgard Rivera-Valentin, now a postdoctoral associate at Brown University, published their findings in a recent edition of the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

The University of Arkansas researchers studied small flow features originally identified by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and detailed in a July 2011 paper published in Science magazine. These flow features, which appear and disappear with the seasons and show a strong preference for equator facing slopes, indicate the possible presence of liquid on the Red Planet. Chevrier and Rivera-Valentin have constructed the most comprehensive model to date of the behavior of water-and-salt combinations called brines to show that frozen water could melt, flow and then evaporate, creating these flow features on Mars.

Salts can lower the melting point of water, so the researchers used different forms of salt known to form on Mars to calculate what would melt, how much would become liquid and how long the liquid would last from the time it went from freezing to evaporation. They based their model on soils up to 20 centimeters deep, because beyond that depth the seasonal temperatures would not affect the freezing and melting aspects of the salt-water mixtures.

"We had to find a salt-water mixture that would come and go," in other words, something not completely liquid or solid, said Chevrier, a research assistant professor in the Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences in the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. They found that calcium chloride fits the bill.

"In one day we could form enough liquid to create these flow features on the surface," he said. The researcher's model also explained why the flow features disappeared by incorporating evaporation into the model.

"The easier it becomes to melt, the easier it becomes to evaporate," Chevrier said. At low concentrations of brine, "as soon as it melts, it evaporates and disappears." However, the researchers showed that they could melt enough brine so that it would not completely evaporate, thus creating conditions that might explain the flow features. Their model fits with the seasonal change in flow observations, with the flows occurring on equator facing slopes and with seasonal changes. Also, high surface evaporation rates as demonstrated in their model explain why, if there is water, it would disappear relatively quickly and why imaging spectrometry on Mars has not identified water signatures.

"No other current model really explains all the observations," Chevrier said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Chevrier, V. F., and E. G. Rivera-Valentin. Formation of recurring slope lineae by liquid brines on present-day Mars. Geophys. Res. Lett., 2012 DOI: 1029/2012GL054119

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Seven Rules of Strategic Guessing

Guest post courtesy of Bruce Hodes-Executive Coach, Consultant & Author.

A few years ago I stood facing a group of well-heeled executives and CEOs at a conference to deliver a talk on strategic planning.

?Which of your companies plan on an annual basis?? I asked.

Only a quarter of my audience raised their hands. I opened my eyes in shock.

?To those of you who don?t plan on an annual basis, why not?? I pressed.

In one way or another, they answered that they were too busy fighting fires to have time for that. This same group of executives then complained about low growth and no profits. They blamed the economy for their problems. With that, I suddenly understood: clearly, they were nincompoops. These CEOs did not make the connection that planning helps you deal with the economy and the issues that challenge your business.

Before we go further, let?s define what we mean by strategic guessing/planning. Rework, a book written by successful software entrepreneurs Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, declares that planning has been replaced by guessing. There is something to this. The past two years have presented a very uncertain climate for most businesses. If guessing has become ?as good as it gets?, then you absolutely need a process by which to look at the future and make educated and measured calculations about creating a bright organizational future. However, while tactics are a part of this process, strategic guessing/planning focuses executives on the strategy and future moves that the company will take to achieve its health and growth.

The fact is that many small- to mid-sized companies do not have a structured process from which to conduct strategic planning. This is like many adults who do not exercise, despite knowing it?s good for them. Perfect health isn?t guaranteed by regular exercise, but the likelihood of attaining good health is dramatically increased. Strategic breakthrough business guessing/planning works for businesses in much the same way as exercise works for the individual.

The time has now come to present a streamlined list of my company?s most critical rules for strategic guessing/planning. There are only 120 of them. So, music please! What? Okay! Take it easy! (You get overwhelmed so easily.) We will go over just seven rules of planning. Is that better?

Rule Number One
The first rule is always pick the right team for planning. It is crucial that planning team members are people who are committed to and can add value to the conversation about the company?s growth. The only exception is if there are key employees or managers you want to train. If you want them to better understand the strategic issues facing the company, it might make sense for them to be a part of the process. In addition, you can have members of the planning team who are outside the leadership group. These could be sales- people and other key employees. It is important that you vet them and ensure that they are of the quality and stature required for being a part of the planning group.

A number of times over the years, I have seen the wrong leaders and key employees involved in planning. Their participation actually hurt the effort. Take Carla, an HR manager that was naturally included at a manufacturing plant?s planning sessions. After the planning sessions, she took employees into her office and gossiped about managers. Then she left. (Thank goodness.) After her departure, the plant?s CEO added Lucinda, the new HR manager, to the team. She was young, energetic, knowledgeable, and had a clear vision of what the company could be. Her role was completely different than the first HR manager?s was. Lucinda?s addition to the planning team was constructive and positive.

The message here is to pick wisely and selectively. Members of the planning team must be able to maintain complete confidentiality and be fully engaged in the growth and well-being of the company. Select employees who are passionate about growing the company, developing an extraordinary organization, and, essentially, being the CEO?s partner. Don?t accept mediocrity or include people in the planning process simply because of their positions.

Rule Number Two
The second golden rule of planning is to make sure the design of the planning is one that will yield a good result. I am not a believer in leadership teams locking themselves in a room at a resort for two or three days. This type of planning may be sprinkled with some golfing, gambling, or other ?fun stuff.? From this design, a strategic plan is supposedly born and created.

The problem with this design is that it curtails critical thinking. This process begins to smell of Plan-In-Binder Syndrome, which is exactly what it sounds like: the leadership group ends up developing a ?plan? that then ends up securely contained in a nice plastic binder that is then lost and forgotten. These binders tend to become nestled in the executive bookcases. After the year begins and the fires start raging, no one looks at the plan. Poke me in the eye with a hot stick; Plan-In-Binder Syndrome is such a waste of time and resources. In addition, if you do all your planning during one session, you risk just doing more of what you are currently doing. There is no opportunity for research or involving other employees within the organization who are not at the planning session. I find that these plans run the risk of superficiality and being UN-implementable. Is that a word?

Here is what to do. The process should take place over two to three months and take three to four days. It is predicated on white papers and dialogue. Listening and understanding are critical. Better research ensures better debate and thinking. ?What is a white paper?? you ask hysterically. ?Hang tough,? I say. That is covered in rule five.

Rule Number Three
For the third amazing rule, it is important that you complete the previous year. A powerful completion process will allow you to put that year behind you as you welcome a new one. It?s important for the organization to distinguish the previous year and discuss what occurred during that time, good and bad.

At the very first session of the planning process, the past goes into the past. When I coach these sessions, the group lists the previous year?s information on flip charts. The past is broken down into a number of categories, such as BREAKDOWNS FOR THE YEAR, BREAKTHROUGHS, FIASCOS, DISAPPOINTMENTS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS, and the like.

One of the great aspects of this exercise is that the executives and key employees of the organization get to review all the work that was accomplished during the past 12 months. What aspects of this year are we taking into the next? What aspects are we leaving behind? It?s all included in the meeting minutes and brings completion to the year. One season completes and the next opens up. Excuse me while I get a little weepy. This exercise is worthwhile and useful; everyone is now ready to invent the organization?s future.

Rule Number Four
By far, my favorite rule is el grandote numero quatro: start big by creating a vision of the future of the company. It is important that the breakthrough guessing/planning process allows for dreaming and looking at what is the organization needs for a bright future. This is critical. When you have a vision, you are creating a future for the company that employees can then fulfill.

Typically, I do this by asking the group to envision three to five years into the future and record their thoughts on a flip chart. I ask the following questions to arrive at a future vision. If you were already standing three to five years in the future, what would the world look like? What are the important trends affecting your industry at that point?

Once a futuristic scenario is developed, the group should look at what it would like the organization?s image to be in this future. What are customers saying about the organization? Why are customers loyal four years from today? What goods, services, and new products have been brought forth? How much revenue will the organization bring in, and how many employees will it have?
This part of planning can be used to run growth scenarios. Have at least one for aggressive, medium, sluggish, and no growth. Play with the numbers and have some fun with what could be. The planning team should get familiar with the possible territories and futures that could be facing the organization.

Rule Number Five
The incredible rule number five is that you must face the brutal facts confronting your company. This is a command, if you will, given to us by Jim Collins in Good to Great. It means honestly facing the issues that challenge your organization, determining solutions, and implementing them in an intelligent way.

Your planning team can do this by defining critical issues facing the growth of the company both now and in the future. Let?s say you?re a training company that utilizes technology. Some of the questions you ask your planning team might be:

1. How is the organization going to transition from our old CD-ROM technology to the new ?streaming? technology? How are we going to fund this transition?
2. What new products are we bringing out in the next year?
3. How are we going to grow 20 percent per year for the next three years?
4. What improvements do we need to make for us to reduce costs by 10 percent?

Typically, these types of critical issues are addressed by writing a white paper.

?What is that?? you ask.

?Good question!? I respond.

A white paper is a three- to five-page paper that addresses the critical issue. Sometimes a white paper will take on a number of critical issues that are similar in nature. For instance, the white paper ?What is Our 2012 Sales and Marketing Plan?? might address the issues of (a) what new products are being introduced next year and (b) how to grow by 20 percent. However, it would not explore the question of what improvements need to be made in the plant to reduce costs by 10 percent. This issue would need a white paper of its own.

White papers are written between planning sessions by the members of the leadership group who are best suited to address the problem. This group can also include members outside the planning team who have useful knowledge to contribute.
The paper outlines research and analysis for the issues and provides the ?answer? submitted by the smaller group to the entire planning team. The entire planning team will read the paper prior to the second session; everyone is invited to bring feedback, questions, and concerns. In the second session, the critical issues are dealt with and problem solving can occur.

Rule Number Six
El fantastic numero seis is that the planning group must be able to actually work and create together. This has to be much more than ?plays well in the sandbox? kind of behavior. The planning group needs to be creative, productive, and able to move quickly to implement change. They have to be collaborators, problem solvers, and change agents within their organization.

A company with a high-performance planning/guessing team has many advantages over its competition. One of my clients has grown remarkably in these past, very challenging, business conditions. This company experienced growth of 60 percent in spite of changing marketplaces and customers. Members of the high-performance leadership planning team at this company trust each other. People can speak their minds, and communication is taken as straight communication about the business, rather than as personal commentary. This type of focus gives the leadership team a great advantage when competing against other business leadership teams that are rife with gossip, mistrust, and miscommunication.

Rule Number Seven
Rule number siete is by far the coolest. This reglo says: It is critical that the team show discipline and do the work. Remember the saying, ?Garbage in, garbage out.? It is important that the leadership team does complete work. In this endeavor, it is better to do less with better quality than to do a lot with mediocrity.

Some companies have a heck of a time getting out of the firefighting mode. Others never do get out of that stage.

Sometimes members of the leadership team are addicted to firefighting. They are addicted to the way things are and not to dreaming up ways the company could improve. To participate in a good breakthrough planning/guessing process, the planning team must commit time to this endeavor. Real thinking and dialogue must exist.

Once you have created the plan, you need to make sure it is acted upon. Monthly meetings of one to three hours and spending time on objectives and action plans will en- sure focus. Then, once a quarter, the planning team should meet offsite, preferably with a coaching resource like yours truly. (Bonus points if the coach is bald-headed. It makes the coach smarter and buffer?really.) At the session, the group will look at what happened in the quarter and then focus on what needs to happen in the next quarter. This will keep everyone aligned on what needs to take place to push the company forward.

Well, there you have it: seven rules that will support you in establishing a successful planning process. Put another way, it is the plan to producing and implementing good strategic planning/guessing. Using these rules will help you create a bright business future?and when you get there, let everyone know that the Brucie sent you.

This article is an excerpt from the chapter ?Seven Rules of Strategic Guessing? from Bruce Hodes first book Front Line Heroes: Battling the Business Tsunami While Developing Performance Oriented Cultures.


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K-State moves past Oregon for 3rd in BCS standings

NEW YORK (AP) ? Only in the BCS standings does Oregon get passed.

Kansas State moved ahead of the Ducks and up to No. 3 on Sunday behind SEC rivals Alabama and Florida.

The Wildcats' big victory Saturday at West Virginia was enough to nudge them past the Ducks, who are No. 2 in both polls but are getting held back by computer ratings that lag behind the other highly ranked teams.

The Crimson Tide (.9625) is still solidly in first, and Florida (.9310) grabbed a firmer grip on second with a 44-11 victory over South Carolina on Saturday.

The Gators are tops in the computer ratings and Kansas State is second. The Wildcats (.9111) beat West Virginia 55-14 for their third Big 12 road victory.

Fourth-place Oregon (.8966), coming off a 43-21 win at Arizona State, is sixth in the computer ratings.

Notre Dame is fifth in the standings heading into its game at Oklahoma. The Sooners are eighth.

LSU is sixth and unbeaten Oregon State is seventh.

The Ducks aren't likely to gain any ground this week unless the teams in front of them lose. Oregon plays Colorado (1-6) at home, while the rest of the teams ahead of the Ducks play ranked opponents.

Oregon should be able to start making up ground Nov. 3. The Ducks play USC that day, then go to Cal. They finish with Stanford at home and Oregon State in Corvallis. Oregon would also have to play in the Pac-12 championship game if it gets that far.

The all-SEC BCS championship game between LSU and Alabama last year notwithstanding, it would seem this season the SEC stands a better chance of working itself out by Dec. 1.

If Alabama and Florida keep winning they'll play each other that day in the SEC championship for a spot in the national title game.


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Home of the Week: 397 Concord Road in Weston - in Wellesley Patch

This charming six bedroom Weston home was built only 57 years ago, but at first glance of its enchanting exterior and grounds and later within its spirited walls, one might think it was created at a time when housing designs and features were given a prolific respect to the comfort of its residents, and even more consideration to creative architecture.

The home's artistic country lines, lush three and a half acre landscape (with a pond) and wrap-around farmer's porch are all warm invitations into this enchanting property. Its interior offers an outstanding floor plan ideal for larger families and entertaining.

The spacious fireplaced living room with its period mantel is a welcoming space drenched in rich, gold tones and holiday gatherings can easily be imagined in the elongated dining area.

The open kitchen combines the most frequented areas in the house: the family room and kitchen. This relaxed, hospitable space will draw the family morning, noon and night with its cozy dining area and extended breakfast bar, a sitting area with a fireplace and an egress that leads to the rear deck that overlooks the landscaped grounds. This floor also supplies a home office, a library with two walls of floor-to-ceiling built-ins and more opportunities to enjoy the picturesque landscape with a sunroom and glass house.

For sleeping accommodations, this home boasts six generously-sized bedrooms and five full and one half baths. It also offers an ideal in-law or au-pair suite with a separate private entrance and kitchen. A media and game room in the finished basement offer indoor recreational opportunities that the entire family will enjoy.

The detached garage, built with the same imaginative constructive design, can comfortably accommodate six vehicles and also provides usable loft space above.

The flourishing outdoor setting and cozy, comfortable and secure surroundings inside are equally significant features in evaluating this property. Great consideration and care has gone into this lovely Victorian from its original construction to its maintenance, renovations and enhancements it has received through the years. That appreciation and admiration of its enhanced value is what has preserved its beauty for over half a century.

Location: 397 Concord Rd.

Price: $1,595,000

Rooms: 13

Bedrooms: 6

Baths: 5 full, 1 half

Living Area: 3,966 sq. ft.

Lot Size: 149,734 sq. ft. (3.44 acres)

Listing Agent: Thomas Kennedy, Gibson Sotheby's International Realty, 617-947-9102

Open House: Sunday, October 21, 12-1:30 p.m.


If you are a Realtor or a home owner selling a home and want to be featured in an upcoming Home of the Week, please email Michele Taranto at


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K-State moves past Oregon for 3rd in BCS standings

NEW YORK (AP) ? Only in the BCS standings does Oregon get passed.

Kansas State moved ahead of the Ducks and up to No. 3 on Sunday behind SEC rivals Alabama and Florida.

The Wildcats' big victory Saturday at West Virginia was enough to nudge them past the Ducks, who are No. 2 in both polls but are getting held back by computer ratings that lag behind the other highly ranked teams.

The Crimson Tide (.9625) is still solidly in first, and Florida (.9310) grabbed a firmer grip on second with a 44-11 victory over South Carolina on Saturday.

The Gators are tops in the computer ratings and Kansas State is second. The Wildcats (.9111) beat West Virginia 55-14 for their third Big 12 road victory.

Fourth-place Oregon (.8966), coming off a 43-21 win at Arizona State, is sixth in the computer ratings.

Notre Dame is fifth in the standings heading into its game at Oklahoma. The Sooners are eighth.

LSU is sixth and unbeaten Oregon State is seventh.

The Ducks aren't likely to gain any ground this week unless the teams in front of them lose. Oregon plays Colorado (1-6) at home, while the rest of the teams ahead of the Ducks play ranked opponents.

Oregon should be able to start making up ground Nov. 3. The Ducks play USC that day, then go to Cal. They finish with Stanford at home and Oregon State in Corvallis. Oregon would also have to play in the Pac-12 championship game if it gets that far.

The all-SEC BCS championship game between LSU and Alabama last year notwithstanding, it would seem this season the SEC stands a better chance of working itself out by Dec. 1.

If Alabama and Florida keep winning they'll play each other that day in the SEC championship for a spot in the national title game.


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Takrar on Express news ? Crime shows and their effects on society ...

Posted by Shoxee [ Administrator ZemTV ] on 20 October 2012 | Filed under Express News

Takrar on Express news ? Crime shows and their effects on society ? 20th October 2012

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Takrar on Express news - Crime shows and their effects on society - 20th October 2012, 10.0 out of 10 based on 5 ratings


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Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model H1F/1450 ? Hourly Book

> Uncategorized > Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model?H1F/1450

Lytzen Class 100 Dry Heat Sterilizer Model H1F/1450 Model: H1F/1450 Serial #: A20011001 Stainless steel construction Double door ? pass through style unit Chamber Capacity: 81.2 cuft Electrics: 460volt, 3ph, 60hz Compressed air: 40 ? 140 psi Chamber dimensions: 42.3?wx 58?dx 57?h (1075mm wide x 1450mm high x 1475mm deep) Allen Bradley SLC 5/04 PLC Allen Bradley Panelview 500 operator interface on the sterile side Allen Bradley Panel view 1000 operator interface

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Early Metaphysical Ideas

Early Metaphysical Ideas

Are our actions the result of circumstances or are we directed by external influences such as Cosmic vibrations? There are individuals who are masters and creators of their destinies for part of their lives, and innocent victims of fate at other times.

Some individuals believe it is the environment that has gradually molded our civilization and made mankind what it is. Others believe you may want to lay aside that belief and think again. There is an ancient system of self-mastery that contains fundamental principles that suggest you have complete control over your fate and that mankind has always had it.

These fundamental principles were recorded centuries ago and were evolved through observation over time. The principles were founded and perfected by test and application and reveal that all life and all existence within the universe are expressed in cycles.

It was determined that the cyclic periods are equivalent to certain measured rhythmic stresses and cosmic impulses . So, at a certain time of the day there is a cosmic impulse that is specific for reaping the benefits of a specific human activity. Go work out at the gym during the G period on Friday, for example.

Enthusiasts who believe in these principles might set a wedding ceremony to begin at 5:30 pm on a Thursday in order to reap all the positive influences for their union. They have become masters of their fate because they have timed their union to begin when the cosmos is most in favor of marriage.

According to the true believers the newlyweds will have the advantage over couples who marry without this knowledge. The newlyweds believe there are cosmic vibrations that have negative effects on couples who marry during a time of negative influences related to marriage.

Modern scientists have found that there is a definite rhythm to the human breathing process and heart action that closely resembles the more pronounced rhythms of cosmic energy. These findings suggest that these vibrations influence all living things on the planet ? including plants. The findings also suggest that the influences can be timed and measured.

The ancients who studied these influences were convinced that we can become master of our fate by designing our activities around the daily cycles and time periods suggested in these studies. These studies began with ?The order of The Rosicrucians.? Further information regarding The Rosicrucians is available online.


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Uruguayan way: legal abortion and marijuana sales

FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2009, file photo Uruguay's President Jose Mujica, 74, stands in a tractor on his flower farm on the outskirts of Montevideo, Uruguay, Sunday. Uruguayans used to call their country the Switzerland of Latin America, but its faded grey capital seems a bit more like Amsterdam now that its congress legalized abortion on Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012, and is drawing up plans to sell government-grown marijuana. (AP Photo/Matilde Campodonico, file)

FILE - In this Oct. 25, 2009, file photo Uruguay's President Jose Mujica, 74, stands in a tractor on his flower farm on the outskirts of Montevideo, Uruguay, Sunday. Uruguayans used to call their country the Switzerland of Latin America, but its faded grey capital seems a bit more like Amsterdam now that its congress legalized abortion on Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2012, and is drawing up plans to sell government-grown marijuana. (AP Photo/Matilde Campodonico, file)

(AP) ? Uruguayans used to call their country the Switzerland of Latin America, but its faded grey capital seems a bit more like Amsterdam now that its congress has legalized abortion and is drawing up plans to sell government-grown marijuana.

Both measures would be unthinkable in many other countries. Cuba is the only other nation in the region that makes first-trimester abortions accessible to all women, and no country in the world produces and sells pot for drug users to enjoy.

But President Jose "Pepe" Mujica, a flower-farming former leftist guerrilla, vowed to sign whatever bill congress could settle on that can minimize the 30,000 illegal abortions his government says Uruguayan women suffer annually.

And while lawmakers have yet to debate pot sales, Mujica's ruling Broad Front coalition staked its ground in August by openly declaring that the drug war has failed. Smoking pot ? if not growing and selling it ? is already legal in Uruguay, and supplying the weed is a $30 million business, the government said.

This is democracy "a la Uruguaya" ? the Uruguayan way ? a phrase that reflects both the pride and the unmet promises of a society where finding common ground is a highly shared value, in stark contrast to many other countries where voters are divided by us-and-them politics.

Such outsized respect for the democratic process has enabled the country of 3.4 million people wedged between Argentina and Brazil to reach consensus on many issues that have stymied bigger and richer nations, from reforming health care to providing free university educations, to setting ambitious renewable energy goals. By embracing compromises, Uruguay has managed to hold onto its middle class through repeated economic crises, and pass laws that have consistently improved its citizens' quality of life.

But Uruguayans are increasingly concluding that Mujica has been too conciliatory ? too aloof ? and what they need now is more hands-on management. They love his crotchedy homespun humor and his man-of-the-people image, but they say Uruguay could benefit from a bit more decisiveness, historian Gerardo Caetano said.

Mujica, who entered politics after spending 14 years in prison during Uruguay's dictatorship, is an unusual leader by any standard.

He gives away 90 percent of his salary, doesn't have a bank account, drives a 41-year-old Volkswagen and never wears a tie. Now 77 and nearing the end of his five-year term, he has been talking a lot lately about stepping back and finding the joy in simple things, reflecting a personal style that goes to extremes of austerity.

"Mujica is a very strange, singular figure and yet he expresses this singular desire that Uruguayans in general have," Caetano said during an interview in his Montevideo apartment, where thousands of books spilled off the shelves. "Uruguayans like having unusual politicians, but they don't like authoritarians. They don't want leaders who are remote or confrontational."

"In Argentina, government is whatever the president says it is. Here, no president defines his performance without negotiation, and especially not Mujica. He really doesn't like to give orders. He doesn't want to be the chief," Caetano said. "In Uruguay, imposing things just doesn't work."

Creating a police state to take on drug traffickers would be anathema to Uruguayans, who have long been among the most secular, socially liberal and highly educated people in Latin America. Instead, the government hopes to drive traffickers out of business by providing a better service to drug users.

And in another reflection of Uruguay's national character, both the abortion and marijuana initiatives are intended to exclude foreigners. Only Uruguayans will benefit from these moves.

Still, many Uruguayans aren't exactly happy about either measure.

The activists who won the abortion battle last week applauded just briefly and then left the senate gallery complaining about the concessions they made.

"This is a solution very much 'a la Uruguaya,'" said Romina Napilote, a 27-year-old sociologist with the Pro-Derechos group who worries that the 10 pages of fine print added to win over a few reluctant lawmakers will end up forcing more women into risky clandestine abortions.

"We are very conciliating, always addressing what the conservatives want and trying for the middle ground," she said. "It's an issue in our political culture ... Living in a society with so much tolerance for the opinions of others also holds us back."

For filmmaker Pablo Stoll, whose movies have captured the essence of everyday life in Montevideo, "the Uruguayan way" satisfies no one.

"It means getting halfway there and not taking responsibility for the other 50 percent," he said while sipping coffee in La Florida, a corner bar full of stalwarts from the local communist party chapter.

"I grew up with the conviction that there would be utopias, and we haven't gotten there yet," he said, dismissing both the marijuana and abortion measures as likely to fail or be overturned. "At some point you have to take a stand ? you can't always be with one foot on each side of the line."

That feeling is reflected in Mujica's polling numbers. He enjoyed 66 percent popularity ratings when he was elected with 51 percent of the vote in 2009, but his numbers have plunged, to 43 percent last month. And when asked about his performance, Uruguayans are even more critical: only 36 percent approve, compared to 42 percent disapprove. The CIFRA tracking poll of 802 voters had an error margin of 3.4 percent.

But Mujica is very much a product of his society, one where a series of reforms in the early 1900s established Montevideo as a socially liberal bastion in a region where the Roman Catholic Church still has huge influence. The reforms separated Church and State, removed religion from public schools and legalized divorce long before other countries did.

They were so committed to the idea of the collective good that they banned colorful paint on the facades of buildings, all of which had to remain the same color as their original materials. This is why so many of Montevideo's concrete buildings remain grey even today, Caetano said.

"No one more than anyone else" was a common lecture to immigrants arriving in the port of Montevideo in those days, reflecting a disdain for people who tried to stand above or apart from the rest.

"Mujica loves this phrase ? he repeats it all the time," Caetano said. "It means the rich are less rich and the poor are less poor. It also means avoiding conflicts, trying to soften clashes with your opponents and looking to make deals instead."

He bought the sky-blue Beetle, his only declared asset, before becoming president in 2010, replacing a Vespa scooter that he and his wife, Sen. Lucia Topolansky, used to ride together to Congress from their farm in the working-class "Rincon del Cerro," or "corner of the hill" neighborhood in Montevideo's gritty outskirts.

"They say I'm the world's poorest president. Let me tell you that I'm not poor! Poor are those who need too much," he said Thursday while getting an honorary degree at Argentina's Universidad de La Plata, the day after the final abortion vote.

"I discovered the keys to this in the jail cells, when I couldn't read. If I hadn't spent those years there, I wouldn't be who I am, because one learns more from pain than from bounty," he said. "That's why, the night when I had a mattress, I felt happy. How is it possible, therefore, that we spend our lives poisoned with desperation to buy a new car every two years? If I could, I would live much more simply."

Associated Press


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5 Tips for Getting Your First Credit Card with Bad Credit | Quality Life ...

There are many reasons why you may want to apply for a credit card today. This type of account can be used to help a young adult establish a solid credit rating. It also may be the easiest type of account to be approved for if you have lower credit scores. You can use this account to re-establish credit by making payments on time. These accounts also provide you with extra funds to draw from during financial emergencies. If you have bad credit now, however, some banks and financial institutions may be reluctant to approve you for a new credit card. Here are a few tips to find success when applying for an account with bad credit.

1. Review Your Credit Report

As a first step, take time to review your credit report and ensure that all information being reported is accurate. Each of the three credit bureaus is required by law to provide you with one free copy of your credit report each year. You can most easily obtain a copy of your credit report by contacting the three credit bureaus directly. If you notice any inaccuracies, you will need to work with the credit bureau and with the particular financial institution that is reporting incorrect information to remove the false information from your report. Removing incorrect information can result in an increase in your credit scores, but it can take several weeks or even months to see a rise in credit scores.

2. Get a Co-Signor

You may consider asking a family member to co-sign on a new credit card with you. If you have bad credit because of serious financial irresponsibility, you may be hard-pressed to find someone who is willing to co-sign on an account with you. However, if your credit scores are lower because you have fallen on hard times after the loss of a job or some other issue, a family member may be willing to co-sign on an account to help you out.

3. Consider a Secured Credit Card Account

Many banks and financial institutions are more lenient with regards to extending credit when you are pledging some type of collateral in exchange. Some will accept items of value such as a car that you own free and clear as collateral. Others may require you to make a cash deposit in the amount of your credit limit with them.

4. Look for Mail Offers

If you are like most people, you receive numerous credit card offers in the mail that proclaim that you are pre-approved under a special credit offer. These pre-approval statements often come with contingencies and exceptions, so not everyone who applies will be approved for a new account. However, these accounts are generally more lenient with regards to credit rating than others may be.

5. Talk to Your Bank

A final step that you may consider taking is to talk to the bank that you normally work with. This may be the bank that holds your checking account, savings account or both. Your bank has access to your financial records that shows your income history, your spending and saving habits and other relevant financial data. In many cases, a bank that you have an established relationship with may be more willing to approve you for a credit card when other banks will not.

Keep in mind that your credit rating may decrease each time you apply for a new account. With this in mind, if your credit scores are already fairly low, it is important to carefully consider the options available to you and to select the best method for getting a credit card with bad credit. Avoid applying for every offer that you stumble upon. I

t may be helpful to contact a representative from the credit company or bank and discuss your credit situation with them in detail before applying. The company representative may be aware of a minimum credit rating requirement that is not published online, and this can provide you with insight to help you judge whether you should apply for a specific account or not.

This is a guest post.? This article was written Wayne Lee, a part-time finance blogger. Click here to read more about his work.


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