Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Raising Awareness Of Domestic Violence | The Young Mommy Life

It happens more often than you think.

My good friend Alicia has written about domestic violence. My friend Natasha has written about it. So I figured it?s time that I talk about it.

I have very little experience with physical domestic violence, but I do have experience with the verbal variety. Of being told that I was being a bitch. Or that I wasn?t ?the queen you think you are.? Of being screamed at for no reason. Of being told that if I left him, he would harm himself and he couldn?t live without me.

It was a struggle and thankfully I was able to leave that relationship before it escalated into worse. I broke it off one day, during a phone call in which he screamed at me over and over again before deciding he had enough and handing the phone off to one of his friends who was sitting with him. And then his friend?began disrespecting me in the same manner, calling me everything but a child of God.?

I woke up. Somehow I wasn?t even fazed when my then-boyfriend would hurl insults at me, but for his friends to think it was okay to treat me that way as well? I had to get out of that relationship and fast.

Since I was away at college, breaking up was as simple as hanging up the phone and not answering when he called. Ever. He called me persistently for about two months. Every day. I would look at the number on my phone, shake my head furiously and hit ?Ignore.? Every day.

Eventually he got the hint and stopped calling. And I moved on.

I know it is not that easy for young mothers who are in abusive relationships. It?s not as simple as ?don?t answer the phone.? You have kids to think about, finances to consider and you have to first find the strength to say ?I deserve more than this.??I know it can do a number on your self-esteem, make you feel like you?re nothing. But you?re still strong. You?re still wonderful.

One of the moms in our Facebook group and regular reader of the blog, Amber put together an educational video about domestic violence and asked me to share.

Amber says:

You can look up the statistics, the numbers of women who are in abusive situations are MUCH higher among young mothers. I myself am a survivor. Just barely. I made an educational video with information on signs and symptoms and places these women can go if they need help. It would mean the world to me if you could help me get this information out.

Of course I will. Check out Amber?s video below and leave her a comment of support.

Warning: Video contains images of abuse victims.




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