Sunday, February 19, 2012

A VoIP Phone System Can Open the Door to a Complete Unified ...

A VoIP phone system is at the heart of a unified communications solution. In today?s fast-paced world, the workforce is more mobile than ever before and being able to reach someone when they are not physically in the office has become a key necessity for many businesses. It?s no longer enough to be able to just pick up the phone and call someone. With the more advanced technology available today, people are communicating via IM, cell phones, video conferencing and texting. Unified communications allows for the use of any one of these technologies to reach someone regardless of their location.

As an example, if your salesperson needs to confer with the technical specialist to answer customers? questions, the technical specialist can be conferenced in via web chat, video conferencing, or a conference call by simply clicking a button on the computer screen. The system already knows where that person is located and what would be the most efficient way of reaching them. This eliminates the salesperson from having to make multiple phone calls or waiting for responses to e-mails.

Since e-mail is no longer the preferred way of getting a quick response, instant messaging has taken its place in the workplace. Many e-mails are often more background chatter than they are significant correspondence. Because of the delay involved when waiting for a response to an e-mail, other methods of communication are more efficient and provide quicker turnaround. When staff needs an answer right away or needs to communicate one-on-one, instant messaging is a preferred method of communication. With unified communications, instant messaging can occur between a computer and a cell phone as well as computer to computer. This eliminates the user?s current location as a hindrance to fast communication.

For voice calling, if the intended party can only be reached by phone, the person trying to reach them is notified when they click on the icon. The system then automatically connects the call, allowing the conversation to proceed. Depending on how the VoIP phone system is configured, the call can either be forwarded to the cell phone or to an actual extension on the phone system itself. Either way, the caller is immediately connected to the intended party without having to determine where they are at and the appropriate form of communication needed.

Video conferencing is gaining in popularity and a VoIP phone system is making it easier to achieve. This combined with SIP technology, allows all types of communication to become integrated and operate seamlessly on the same network. This allows the you to take advantage of many different forms of messaging and communicating, all under one umbrella. Users can access any form of messaging through one interface. There?s no accessing different systems to use different applications. IM, texting, video conferencing, and voice calls all have one point of entry. This simplified approach is easy for non-technical people to understand and use. When people are doing their day to day jobs, they simply need the technology to work. Frustration on the part of the users can mean that your expensive telecommunications solution is not being used to its full potential.

This new streamlined approach organizes all the mediums with which your company communicates and makes things simpler for staff and clients alike. Having flexibility in the way that your employees can reach each other means that processes are improved in both speed and efficiency because the delay in reaching someone has been eliminated or minimized. If you?ve ever had an important decision riding on the input of someone who?s not available, you know that being able to reach someone more quickly is key to landing that big client or making that large sale.

Security is improved because all forms of communication fall under the same security technology. In the past, each form of communication required its own security to insure that messages and conversations were kept private and did not fall into the wrong hands. Once communication is unified, they all fall under the same security solution. This makes the process of keeping conversations, whether in text or audio format, safe from hackers and thieves without implementing multiple security strategies.

The best way to implement a unified communication solution is to make an assessment of how your company currently communicates and which features are in highest demand. Many business owners make the mistake of purchasing technology that the company does not use or understand. Features can always be added on later in the event that the need for the additional technology should arise.

If you have a work force on the go, then a unified communications solution can streamline the way you do business while helping to keep costs down. Careful analysis and a VoIP phone system can give you a complete package that will keep your company in touch and moving forward.

I suggest you take the time to visit the website of Steve Mike levy at and learn more about the changing world of Business Phone Systems.

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