Friday, August 31, 2012

Hands On With the Samsung Galaxy Camera

BERLIN - Samsung had not one, but three big reveals tonight at its Unpacked event here at IFA. In addition to the much-publicized Samsung Galaxy Note II, the Korean manufacturer also took the wraps off some new Windows 8 devices, as well as the Galaxy Camera.

The Galaxy Camera basically looks as though Samsung took a point-and-shoot device and slapped a smartphone on the back. From the front? Normal camera. But turn it over and there's a 4.8-inch display that is now commonly found on many Android-based smartphones. It takes up almost all of the Galaxy Camera's back panel, but given that the device is touch-based, there's no need for extra buttons. All the bells and whistles are inside, courtesy of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.

As a result, the Galaxy Camera is like an Android smartphone inside a camera, minus the calling features. When powered up, two icons provide you with the option of Camera or Applications. Tap Applications and up pops the rows of Android apps familiar to anyone who has adopted a gadget that runs Google's mobile OS.

The idea is that the Galaxy Camera will help users better manage their photos. Those pics won't languish on cameras for months after an event, and with 3G/4G and Wi-Fi connectivity, you can instantly post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more without having to hook up the camera to a PC and transfer shots.

If you're a prolific photographer, meanwhile, the Galaxy Camera allows for sorting into different folders, as well as searching by time, location, or face. If you've ever clicked through 500 photos on a camera looking for one shot, this option could definitely come in handy.

If you want to add some text to your pics, an on-screen keyboard pops up for your typing needs. The Galaxy Camera is a bit bulky and wide to comfortably handle a long email; you're not going to be tapping out messages like a text-happy tween. But if you're just labeling a folder, captioning a Facebook photo, or telling a friend to check out your photo, the keyboard serves it purpose.

Samsung chief JK Shin said at tonight's event that the Galaxy Camera combines camera features you can't find on a smartphone and smartphone features you can't find on cameras.

I fiddled around with the Galaxy Camera a bit this afternoon, and it's an intriguing concept. The device took crisp shots, even without the various "Pro" modes that are intended to help turn your snapshots into professional-looking images. Having that huge screen on the back is also a plus; no more squinting at a tiny panel to make sure no one blinked.

I'm admittedly not an avid Android user; I can navigate my iPhone and iPad with ease, but Android often leaves me aggravated. If you're familiar with the OS, however, picking up the Galaxy Camera should be a snap. If you don't want to deal with apps, the share widget combines favorite email, social media, and chat services. We didn't have Internet connectivity to test out the Web-based features of the Camera during our demo, but the Galaxy Camera featured the standard Android skin, and provides acccess to Google Play and Samsung Apps.

But who should buy it? Most of our smartphones already have fairly top-notch cameras that can easily handle photos of happy hour, your new baby, or what you had for dinner last night. Do we need a separate camera at this point?

It appears as though Samsung is aiming the Galaxy Camera at those who want shots that are bit more impressive than the ones pulled off your smartphone - and those who want to share those pics as soon as possible. This could be bad news if it falls into the hands of the friend who snaps unflattering photos of you and has them tagged before you can even pay your tab. But if you've ever begged someone to share their photos from an event, they'll have no excuse for procrastinating with the Galaxy Camera.

If you're looking for a camera with a little more oomph than your smartphone, but one that keeps it simple thanks to the Android OS, the Galaxy Camera might be a good option. But if your content with the quality of your Instagram and Facebook shots, you might just want to spend the money on a new smartphone - like the Galaxy Note II, perhaps.

A few other features tucked into the Camera include voice commands, which control things like zooming in and out, setting the timer, or taking a photo. If you have another Galaxy device, link it up to the Camera and use the smartphone as a viewfinder for better group shots. The Share Shot feature will send photos to other devices in real-time over Wi-Fi, so you don't have to take the same photo 10 different times with separate cameras.

Pricing and availability have not yet been released, but I imagine Samsung will want the Camera out in time for the holidays. The Galaxy Note II is due in October.

For more from Chloe, follow her on Twitter @ChloeAlbanesius.


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