Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Internet Article Marketing Demands New Abilities Of Authors ...

Internet article marketing is an exciting new aspect of economic opportunity. At a time when old activities such as car manufacturing and book publishing are beginning to resemble the cumbersome shapes of prehistoric animals many people are turning to the Internet for survival ideas. What they find is complex technology that looks promising if it can be implemented effectively.

English has been a dominant language on the World Wide Web so writers in English have had many advantages when compared with writers who use other languages. However, they have been slow to respond and in many cases have persisted in old attitudes. Rather than embracing concepts such as internet article marketing they have adopted condescending attitudes and talked in superior tones about the fascinating smell of real books.

Instead of seizing new opportunities authors have stood back, expecting technicians, mathematicians and scientists to be quicker on the uptake. In some cases they have even insisted on writing whole books in pencil rather than learning how to use keyboards. The notion of metaphor, imagery, rhythm and such rhetorical devices being inimical to writing on keyboards is indefensible when it is considered that literature has been recorded in print for centuries anyway.

It may be gradually dawning on authors that the future of writing is article marketing on the Internet and that the future is bright. Old industries such as the print media and book publishing are experiencing difficulties due to the fact that readers are turning to screens to read both articles and e books.

Electronic readers are making it possible to read lengthy books on screens. Books can also be written with the aid of technology that can facilitate the process materially. For example, metaphor can be sustained effectively with search and find tools. Self publishing is a practical and economic possibility.

With traditional markets for writing products fading out writers might cast about for new lines and discover internet article marketing. There seems to be an insatiable demand for original content from owners of websites. If such articles can be produced economically a new world for writers could open up. However there are issues that need o be solved before a writer can expect to receive a reasonable emolument for his expertise.

In fact the need for quality relevant content seems to be growing rapidly. Well written articles can attract visitors and customers as the scent of flowers lure bees. As people realize that the future of writing is on the Internet many have taken to publishing their own websites. Once these are up serious writing is necessary in order to keep them alive and many owners lack both the skills and the time to create sufficient articles for themselves. An obvious option is to purchase the necessary texts.

Although it may be clear that websites need content precisely what the qualities of what such copy are remain quite obscure. There are ethical issues that are still being resolved in courts and a great amount of unqualified opinion presented as fact. Such issues have important consequences for the Internet as a social phenomenon, and for the state of the academic and intellectual worlds in the future. Internet article marketing will play quite a significant part in that future.

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Source: http://www.articlesforaustralia.com.au/internet-article-marketing-demands-new-abilities-of-authors.html

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