Thursday, December 27, 2012

Translation, Creativity and Creative Writing | Metaglossia: The ...

Vacancies in this network: Translators, Revisers, Editors, etc.

Posts about University of Alberta written by lsacelp

The Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute (CILLDI)?at the University of Alberta invites you to our 14th Annual Summer School, July 8-26 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. ?This summer we are offering a total of 20 University-accredited courses in the areas of language documentation, education and revitalization. ?Credit is available at both the graduate and undergraduate level, and bursaries/scholarships are available?for both Canadian and International students.

For the first time this year, we are offering a full three weeks of intensive?Cree and Michif?language courses. ?In addition, we are proud to offer two brand new courses this summer:

LING 311 Online Tools for language Revitalization

This course provides an introduction to the use of new technologies to aid in language revitalization in both home communities and urban settings.? Topics will include computer-based learning tools, online language courses, and the innovative use of social media sites.? Students will examine how these new technologies are being used in indigenous language communities around the world, and will design a language technology plan appropriate for their own community.

ANTH 485?Landscape, Meaning and Culture: The Social Meaning of Place

This course explores how and why particular places are invested with social meaning by different cultural and linguistic groups.? Students will analyze place-naming practices in their own and other Indigenous languages, and examine the ways in which people talk about place in both? conversation and narrative.? Students will also investigate various perspectives on map-making, and the ways in which Indigenous cultural and worldview can be incorporated into community mapping projects.

The full listing of our Summer School courses is shown below. ?Courses marked (CLC) are part of our Provincially-recognized Community Linguist Certificate program, now in its seventh year.

Google Translate For Mobile - Blogs at
Guest post written by Ashley Harrison Ashley Harrison is CEO of the social news reader and publishing platform Taptu, a unit of Mediafed.

With the digital and mobile era clearly setting in across the global landscape, media is continuing to transform on a daily basis. As smartphones and tablets begin to overthrow PCs, advertisers and publishers alike are stuck in a search for a way to hit their target audience and still generate revenue. With new doors opening and others closing nearly everyday in the world of publishing, 2013 will be the year that mobile consumption finally raises the bar on both advertising and publishing in the digital age.

Flag of the EU All major political and economic organizations that bring together a group of nations for a common purpose always represent a great challenge
Tr?s belle initiative que celle du Journal du Net qui a r?cemment publi? le Dictionnaire politique d'Internet et du num?rique.

Tr?s belle initiative que celle du?Journal du Net?qui a r?cemment publi? le?Dictionnaire politique d'Internet et du num?rique.

Coordonn? par Christophe Stener, consultant en strat?gie d'entreprises, ce document s'est appuy? sur l'aide d'une centaine d'acteurs ?conomiques, politiques, universitaires et sociaux, tous charg?s de r?fl?chir aux enjeux d'Internet aujourd'hui.

Ce dictionnaire se donne pour objectif de rendre accessible au plus grand nombre les contours d?un ph?nom?ne structurant de notre soci?t?. Le lecteur pourra ainsi mieux appr?hender le sens de mots et de concepts qui sont rentr?s dans notre vocabulaire quotidien tels que : "blogosph?re", "cybers?curit?", "fracture num?rique", "Hadopi", "haut d?bit", "neutralit? d'Internet" ou bien encore "Acta".

Trevor Baylis, who invented the wind-up radio, said children are losing creativity and practical skills because they spend too much time in front of screens.

'They are dependent on Google searches. A lot of kids will become fairly brain-dead if they become so dependent on the internet, because they will not be able to do things the old-fashioned way.'

Recalling how his career had its roots in the very different world in which he grew up, he said he was? about five or six years old when he began to invent devices. 'During the war, when I was not at school

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No matter how many documents you write, how many years you spend practicing, improving your craft, you can always make yourself a better writer.

Remember binders full of women? How about redneckognize? Check out the new phrases, words and terms that became a part of our collective vocabulary in 2012.

Translation Contest to Honor Abraham Sutzkever

Summer Literary Seminars?has announced itsAbraham Sutzkever Translation Prize,?marking the centennial of the birth of one of the most acclaimed Yiddish poets of the 20th century.

?To me, he is the leading Yiddish poet, the epitome of Yiddish literature in the 20th century,? Mikhail Iossel said of Sutzkever. Iossel, a Soviet ?migr? and associate professor of English and Creative Writing at Concordia University in Montreal, is the founder and director of the literary, creative writing and historical workshops that have taken place in St. Petersburg, Montreal, Nairobi and Vilnius. The Sutzkever Prize is associated with the?SLS Lithuania?program for summer 2013.

The new prize is being added to a lineup of already existing ones that are given through theSLS Unified Literary Contest,?awarding winners with tuition, stipends and publication assurances. The winner of the Sutzkever Prize will receive tuition to SLS Lithuania plus $500 toward travel expenses. In addition, the winning entry will be translated into Lithuanian, and read at a celebration in Vilnius on the centennial, on July 15, 2013. The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2013.

1?Le matin.Ma m?re me disait souvent ? Il faut te lever t?t parce que le matin, l?intelligence nous fait cr?dit ?. Elle me...
Ask Scott Livingston to tell you about himself, and he will tell you about writing. That seems to be what he is about, and he's the new teacher of the writing class sponsored by the American Fork Arts Council.

A series of seminars organized by the OU?s Contemporary Cultures of Writing Research Group in collaboration with the Institute of English Studies, UL.

In the context of a Research Group ( whose focus is on the cultures shaping contemporary modes of writing, this seminar series will look at the kinds of creativity involved in writing and translation with a view to highlighting the re-versioning and re-visioning at the heart of creative and literary endeavour. It will also seek to interrogate notions of translation both literal and metaphorical and to reflect on the challenges posed by multilingual writing and self-translation for both Creative Writing and Translation Studies.?
Google Apps was long seen as too lightweight to be a competitor to Microsoft Office.

For years,?Microsoft Office?was widely considered to be the way for businesses to get "serious" work done.?Google Apps, the cloud-based office suite, wasn't generally thought of as being stable or full-featured enough for company use. But as Google Apps has matured, more and more companies have noticed -- and in 2012?Microsoft?found its core business base eroding as offices jumped ship to?Google.

Google makes huge gains in smartphone market, but use of search-free apps spells bad news for firm
Top Google searches in 2012 reflected an eclectic year in politics as Americans turned to their keyboards to query the lighter side of the news, such as presidential candidates? gaffes, and the serious, including policy issues like SOPA.
Mackintosh?s musical lacks stylish cohesion in its big-screen translation.
2012 was a big year for enterprise software, as companies began to more readily adopt technology to more effectively communicate and?collaborate.

Star du PSG et du championnat de France, Zlatan Ibrahimovic a vu sa popularit? sortir de la stricte limite des terrains de foot pour entrer dans le langage courant. Le verbe ?zlataner? est de plus en plus utilis? pour signifier qu?on a battu quelqu?un ? plate couture, qu?on l?a ridiculis?. Le joueur se dit plut?t fier si un jour le mot venait ? rejoindre le dictionnaire.

Taipei, Dec. 26 (CNA) "Linsanity," a phenomenon describing Taiwanese-American NBA player Jeremy Lin's sudden rise to stardom, has been chosen in a recent poll as the English word of the year in Taiwan.

Eugenia Loffredo and Manuela Perteghella, who both have connections to the university where I work (the University of East Anglia), have started a new blog on translation.This is how they describe it:...

The digital technologies, virtual learning / instruction, as well as the change in translator work patterns had an impact on translator training at university level. The need to rethink the pedagogical approaches as well as the type ...

Full Title: Verbum?

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Lexicography; Morphology; Psycholinguistics

Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2013?

Neoclassical Compounding

Special issue of the Verbum journal

Guest Editors: St?phanie Lignon and Fiammetta Namer

Among all the available morphological processes for lexical creation in languages, the neoclassical compounding involves specific models. Compounding is a constructional process during which at least two base lexemes are combined in order to construct a new lexeme (tea bag). Two types of compounding may be distinguished: standard compounding (also called popular) on the one hand which involves the modern vocabulary (porte-bagage), and neoclassical compounding on the other hand which involves lexemes borrowed from ancient languages, often Greek and Latin (anthropophage).

Raymond Li has?an article in the?South China Morning Post?(Friday, 21 December, 2012) in which he announces the results of a poll by the Education Ministry that has selected m?ng ? ("dream") as the character of the year, ostensibly because it represents the hopes and achievements of the nation.? But m?ng ? ("dream") is definitely a double-edged sword, and critics of the government put a totally different spin on the word.

I AM 84 years of age and I wish to say something which may or may not be of interest to the public and users of the English language worldwide.
The Translation and Interpreting Institute (TII) of Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) and Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing ...


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