Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's do a one on one~ yes?

Hello, hello, 'tis I, letterA~
You probably don't know me, actually, considering I have yet to post on this forum at all the past three days I joined... ara, let's forget about that then, hm? I'm here to fix my lack of posts, see? I understand your hesitation in roleplaying with what seems to be a newbie (and for this unfamiliar site, I am rather confused), but rest assured, I have roleplayed often before.

I often roleplay as male characters, but if needed, I can play a pretty badass lady. I can post from a range of one to three paragraphs depending on the situation of the roleplay, and if some of you are into the whole "one-sentence-per-post" thing, I can probably do that, too. Probably... Anyways... For pairings I can do straight or gay or lesbian, but nothing too mature because I'm pretty sure that's against the rules. I can also play a "brothers-for-life" sort of relationship, so yeah. Oh~! Before I forget, I usually prefer anime pictures for images because.. well, simply just because. I'm totally alright if you're into describing your characters, though, so don't run!

I don't prefer any certain genre, but if you're interested in doing a movie or book based RP, I may have to do a little research because I am a lonely hermit who has trouble keeping up with what's popular. And just in case it's popular now, I'm not well informed with Sherlock Holmes or Doctor Who, so sorry 'bout that, folks D:

I'm pretty sure I'm babbling right now and probably left out some key information, which someone should probably ask about if they notice it. So, kiddies(I call everyone that, don't mind me), post away your plots or general ideas~ !

Ah~! Before I hit submit, I just remembered! I play doubles, singles, or any other amount of characters you want. If you want to play one character only but we need much more kiddies, I am totally up for playing all the needed kiddies.
And in case I sound like an amazing person to RP with(no guaranteeing I am...) but you don't have a plot, it's all good, I have a few plots of my own~

So, uhm, *now* you can post~ c:


als disease brittany norwood lindsay lohan condoleezza rice road house who do you think you are frank mccourt

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