Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quinton Jackson reacts to positive steroid test from ?King Mo?

It was just two weeks ago that Muhammed Lawal was calling Quinton Jackson washed up and a B-level actor.

Jackson didn't say too much since, but he did sit down for an interview yesterday which happened to be perfectly timed with the news released by the Nevada State Athletic Commission that "King Mo" tested positive for an anabolic steroid following his Strikeforce fight.

"I feel that any fighter who has to use steroids to go in the cage and fight somebody is not a true fighter somebody just blatantly taking anabolical steroids to get in the cage is a sad case," said Jackson.

Jackson said Lawal's recent woes are to be expected.

"He talk a big game and calling people bums, it's just karma. Look at him. He's a very cocky individual," said Jackson.

Lawal tested positive for Drostanolone, but denied using any illegal substances.

Jackson shows a good sense of humor later in the interview over the fact that King Mo was mocking on his role in the "A-Team."


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