Sunday, May 20, 2012

Keeping the Passion going. Liberty Vintage Motorcycles | Crank and ...

Sunday, May 20th, 2012??//??Phill Tromans??//??Lifestyle??//??

There?s something utterly charming about vintage vehicles, whether on two wheels or four. And there?s usually something charming about the guys and gals that dedicate their lives to keeping older cars and bikes on the road.

Here?s a great example ? Adam Cramer of Liberty Vintage Motorcycles, a blue-collar mechanic whose life revolves around old bikes and has an enormous collection in his Philadelphia workshop. Adam pulls no punches in getting his opinions out there, which makes this film by Andrew David Watson?for even more entertaining. Long may there be men like Adam in greasy warehouses around the world, keeping the love.

Source: Andrew David Watson

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